Cloud Repatriation Readiness Assessment and Strategy 


£20,000 - £30,000 (depending on complexity)


This assessment analyses your unique cloud environment and provides tailored recommendations and a roadmap to help regain control of your cloud costs and strategy. We take a cloud-agnostic approach, with proven methodologies to optimise complex AWS, Azure, and GCP environments.


You will get immediate benefits through actionable recommendations to immediately regain control, reduce costs, and implement FinOps. 



Complete the form to speak to an expert about your assessment.

 Assessment Benefits

  • Strategic Cloud Alignment: Identify the best-fit solutions for cloud repatriation within your organisation, aligning with Cloud Repatriation and FinOps strategies.
  • Assessing Readiness: Gauge your organisation's preparedness to embark on the journey towards cloud excellence.
  • Monetisation and ROI Exploration: Estimate the potential ROI and explore monetisation avenues.
  • Risk Mitigation: Develop a findings report to validate assumptions, minimise risk, and optimise future investments in cloud strategy.

Assessment Solution Brief


Marionetes Team of Experts Will:

  • Collaborate with your team to identify and prioritise a Cloud Repatriation use case specific to your business
  • Determine the target audience(s) and who will most benefit from the solutions considered
  • Assess data availability and quality, technology readiness, and more for feasibility
  • Evaluate ROI and viability
  • Scope out the most impactful opportunity and create an initial strategy
  • Present to you and your leadership a detailed analysis of the assessment, viability and feasibility determinations and a recommended roadmap


The Assessment Package Includes:

  • Two-week assessment
  • Dedicated Cloud Repatriation Expert
  • High level design and technical recommendations report
  • Executive assessment report
  • Recommended Cloud Repatriation roadmap

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